Sunday, September 19, 2010

Disney Dreams, or You can be a princess even if you're a freak!

Most of you know about my love (unhealthy obsession) for Peter Pan.

What's not to love about a crazy, tenacious, 12 year old boy clinging to his youth whilst fighting pirates\grownups?

Absolutley nothing!

But now I have a new obsession. Namely Alice in Wonderland. (the disney cartoon. Not the Tim Burton Movie.) Oh Man. I feel like Alice is myself. In British school girl form. Also, I'm sorta in love with the Mad Hatter. But not from the movie, no sirree. I love the Hatter from Disneyland.

Oh Man, I'm a freak! But that's okay! Disney loves freaks. Sometimes they even make them princesses.

Exhibit A: Ariel (aka Miss "I love you even though I've never met you and I will stalk you untill you marry me")

1. She collects other people's garbage. In the human world, that's not cute. That's creepy.

2. She's 16! 16!!!!! And she married a guy after knowing him for three days. And she couldn't even talk. Can you say disfunctional relationship?

3. Immodest wardrobe. Tiffany does not approve.

Exhibit B: Snow White (aka Miss"I trust every stranger I meet and think it's ok to accept food from them!")

1. What happened to her nose? Does she even have one?

2. She lives in a house with 7 little men. Even though they are tiny, they are still men. Not ok.

3. Her prince is a serious creeper and looks like a girl.

Exhibit C: Cinderella (aka Miss "I let my stepfamily push me around because I have no personality and can't think for myself!")

1. Her only friends are filthy rodents who can talk.

2. She's majorly OCD.

3. Her prince is mute (except he can sing) and has a shoe fetish

Exhibit C: Belle (aka: Miss "I fell in love with a fluffy monster!")

1. Can you say Stockholm Syndrome?

2. Thinks talking furniture is perfectly normal

3. Her prince has major anger issues and looks better as a fluffy moster than a human.

PS. I honestly do love 50% of these princesses. I just thought they had issues that needed adressing.


  1. I laughed at this post, Tiffany.

    Actually, I laughed a lot.

    Thank you for making me laugh - I will never view them [the princesses] the same way. And I'm okay with that. Mostly. =]

  2. hahahahahahahahahaha Tiffany that was incredibly funny! oh my gosh, i just found your blog and oh man, i completely agree. I LOVE Disney movies but your right...they're freaks!

  3. HAHA! So true!

    We all have issues.

    By the way, I loveeeeeeeee the background of your blog.

    And I miss you.
