Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tiffany the whiner baby

I just re-read my previous post "Tiffany posted on her blog??!! Has the world come to an end??!!" This is what it sounded like to me: "grumble grumble complain I HATE WEDNESDAYS! complain complain whine WITH A BURNING PASSION!" My goodness, am I a complainer or what?? Yes, it's true, Wednesday and I do not exactly get along. But does that mean that I have to whine about it like a two year old? NO! In short, God has given me a spoonful of perspective. Even though I may not like it, I still should praise Him for another day to be alive! This is the last peep you shall ever hear from me about disliking Wednesdays. From now on, I shall be a model of optimisim.


  1. You are my sunshine... you make me happy when skies are gray...

    I have days like this too sometimes - your perspective is good, keep your chin up; God is looking out for you. =]

    P.S. We sound like the same person (by the looks of your profile). Good thing we're best friends. ;]

    P.S.S. We should hang out and get coffee sometime soon.
    I love any excuse to get to see you... but most especially if coffee is involved. ;]

    P.S.S.S. You must, must, must, must, must get a new skype soon!!!

    Love youuuu, dearest, bosom friend of my heart of hearts!

  2. I love that - "From now on, I shall be a model of optimism." :)
